The Cincinnati Police Department Records Section receives, reviews and files most criminal offense reports, accident reports and related records, and processes traffic violation citations and applications for firearm transfers and registrations.

Police Records Section is located at 801 Linn Street. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.

Under Ohio Records Law, your request is not required to be in writing, nor is it required that your name or the intended use of the requested records be disclosed. This information is requested solely to enhance our ability to respond to your request in a timely and reasonable manner.  You can now make a request online or a Public Records Request form is available here for your convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  How do I request a copy of an Offense Report, Accident Report, Arrest Report, lost Cincinnati Parking Infraction, or Traffic Citation?

A:  You can request copies of these reports in several ways:

Offense and Accident reports are accessible at Police Records after the report has been reviewed and approved.  The Customer Service representative may request additional information in order to locate the correct documents, so include your contact information with all requests.

For Offense Reports, include the name of person(s) involved, the date of occurrence, the type of offense (e.g. Burglary, Assault, Theft) and the location of the incident.  Incident reports may be picked up at Police Records or obtained by mail.  Also provide a fax number in the event the report can be faxed.

For Accident Reports, include the date and location of the accident, and name of person/persons involved.  Accident reports may be picked up at Police Records or obtained by mail.  Also provide a fax number and an e-mail address in the event the report can be faxed. (Not all reports are available to be sent electronically.)

For Arrest Reports, include the name of the person arrested, their date of birth, and the date and location of arrest, if known.  Arrest reports may be picked up at Police Records or obtained by mail.  Also provide a fax number in the event the report can be faxed.

For Traffic Citations, include the name of the person who was issued the citation, their birth date, the date of occurrence and the location of the traffic stop.

Q:  What does record sealing mean and why seal a record?

A:   Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) 2953.31 through 2953.61, sealing of a criminal record makes it not publicly available. For more information, visit the  Hamilton County Clerk of Courts website.

Q:  Can I get a Records Check for employment at Police Records?

A:  The Cincinnati Police Department does not provide Records Checks.  You can get records checks for employment at the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, 1000 Sycamore St., Room 100, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. This is in the Justice Center’s south building.  Call 513-946-6220 for more information.

The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) has an online customer service that allows drivers to check out an “unofficial” copy of their driving record. The unofficial records cannot be used as evidence in court, to verify a driving record for employment or for getting car insurance.  Click here  to access this service.


WARRANT and CAPIAS Information

Q:  What is the difference between a warrant and a capias?

A:   A warrant is an order which authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest and bring a person before the judge.  A warrant may be issued when a person is charged with a crime, convicted of a crime but failed to appear for sentencing, owes a fine or is in contempt of court. A capias is also an order for arrest of a person, typically issued by the judge or magistrate in a case. It is commonly issued after a defendant fails to attend a scheduled court hearing.

Q:  How do I know if I have an outstanding warrant or capias?

A:    Respond to any Police District or ask an officer on the street to run a query on your social security number.  You should provide some type of identification, if possible.  To protect your privacy, police will NOT run a query if you simply call a district on the telephone.

Q:  If there is an outstanding warrant or capias, will I be arrested on the spot?

A:    Most capiases allow an officer to re-cite, meaning you will be given a new court date. However, if you have been re-cited numerous times and have continued to ignore the court date, the officer may choose to physically arrest you.  Most warrants require an officer to physically arrest the person.  Once you are re-cited or processed through the Hamilton County Justice Center, the warrant/capias is cancelled by the Hamilton County Central Warrants Department (513-946-6202). 

Q:  What happens if I get pulled over and the officer tells me there is a warrant on my License Plate?

A:  If the officer determines you are not the person associated with the warrant linked to your license plate, you will be free to go. You should contact Police Records Section as soon as possible at 513-352-3559, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Records personnel will assist you in determining the connection between the warrant and your license plate.