Mosquito Control Program

The Cincinnati Health Department instituted a Vector Control Program to address public health concerns by monitoring the spread of vector borne diseases.  Mosquito surveillance and control are  parts of that program, since mosquitos are potential carriers of viruses such as West Nile virus, Zika virus, and St. Louis and Eastern encephalitis to mention a few.  

Technical Environmental registered environmental health specialists (REHS) investigate residents' complaints of mosquitoes and/or standing, stagnant water which may act as potential mosquito breeding sites.   These may include containers holding water, catch basins, yard depressions, bird baths, gutters, and unused swimming pools.

The Health Department places surveillance traps throughout the city to collect mosquitoes to be tested for the presence of vector borne diseases and educates residents on ways to limit their exposure to mosquitoes.         

Mosquito Brochure (Printable) English
Mosquito Brochure (Printable) Spanish                               

 How to Avoid Mosquito Bites      

  • Be aware of peak biting periods (early morning and evening hours).
  • Avoid infested areas such as tall grasses/weeds and shady areas.
  • Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Long-sleeved shirts, long pants, jackets.
  • Tuck pants legs into boots/socks.
  • Use appropriate chemical repellants for your skin.
  • Available in aerosol/pump sprays, sticks, soaps, lotions, creams and towelettes.
  • Most effective repellents contain Deet, which should be listed in the ingredients.
  • Equip/repair all doors and windows using 16-mesh screen.

Drain Standing Water

By draining standing or stagnant water on your property, you eliminate mosquito breeding sites and help reduce the mosquito population around your home.


Larvicides are chemicals or natural bacteria that can be used to kill mosquito larvae in standing water that cannot be drained.

They are the most effective form of mosquito control because they kill mosquitoes before they become adults and disperse by flying.

Larvicides can be applied to standing water as a liquid, granules or briquets. The briquets, also known as dunks, are the most common form used.

Mosquito dunks:

  • are not harmful to humans and animals and can be applied by hand, by dropping them in standing water.
  • slowly release a long-term larvicide at the water's surface.
  • can kill mosquito larvae for 30 days or longer.
  • are especially effective for areas where it is difficult to drain standing water, such as puddles, ditches, ponds or tree stumps.
  • should not be applied to drinking water reservoirs or drinking water receptacles.
  • can be purchased at most gardening, hardware or home improvement stores.